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Jarno Luoma-Nirva   Technical Lead

Email jln@iki.fi
Phone +358 40 584 8782
Home page https://jln.fi
Specialties Python/Django, TDD, Vue.js
Other skills AWS, C++/Qt, JavaScript, Jenkins
Profiles GitHub: jarnoln LinkedIn: jarnoln

Work experience

  • 2023-10 / current (9 months) Technical Lead at Infiniteq Systems
    • Developing and maintaining software for iRobo test robot using Python and Qt. CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins and GitLab.
  • 2017-09 / 2023-10 (6 years, 1 month) Technology Specialist at Vaisto Solutions
    • Python/Django and Vue.js development. Test automation.
  • 2005-03 / 2017-09 (12 years, 6 months) SW Specialist at Symbio
    • C++ programming for Windows and Linux platforms. UI implementation with Trolltech's Qt library. Android porting. Web services with Django. Worked for projects in Sweden, Taiwan and U.S.
  • 2000-11 / 2004-02 (3 years, 3 months) Engineer Trainee at Instrumentointi Ltd
    • Department: Insta Defence, Simulation Systems. Developing military training simulator systems. C++ programming and object-oriented design.
  • 1999-02 / 2000-03 (1 year, 1 month) Research Assistant at Digital Media Institute
    • Developing software-based MPEG-2 decoder for Pentium III processor. Optimization and processor-specific programming in C++.


Other experience

  • 2023 Candidate in Parliament Elections
  • 2019 / 2024 Member of the Board in Finnish Pirate Party
  • 2004 Candidate in European Parliament Elections
  • 2003 / 2010 Member of the Board in Finnish Liberal Party

Hobby projects

  • 2023 Juttukaveri
    • Technologies: Python, Django, Vue.js, TypeScript
    • Voice interface to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Backend with Python/Django using Django REST framework, frontend using Vue 3 + TypeScript. Open source, available in GitHub.
  • 2023 Covid-questionnaire
    • Technologies: Python, Django, Vue.js, TypeScript
    • Covid-related questionnaire to 2023 parliament election candidates. Backend with Python/Django using Django REST framework, frontend using Vue 3 + TypeScript with Pinia store and unit tests with Vitest. Open source, available in GitHub: backend, frontend.
  • 2021 Where To Go For Lunch
    • Technologies: Python, Django, Vue.js, TypeScript
    • Multiple-choice voting service using advanced election methods. Backend with Python/Django using Django REST framework, frontend using Vue 3 + TypeScript. Open source, available in GitHub: backend, frontend.
  • 2020 Exposures
    • Technologies: Python, Django, Vue.js
    • Corona exposure event database and report generator. Open source, available in Github.
  • 2017 CVDB
    • Technologies: Python, Django, BDD, CI
    • CV/Resume database made with Django. Open source, available in Github.
  • 2016 Mitasny
    • Technologies: Python, Django, Javascript, TDD, CI
    • Simple task/project manager made with Django using TDD. Open source, available in Github.
  • 2015 Plokkeri
    • Technologies: Python, Django, TDD, CI
    • Simple blogging platform. Open source, available in Github.
  • 2012 Tyranny of Majority
    • Technologies: Python, Django, MySQL, HTML5, Javascript
    • Web based collective decision-making tool for polling, voting and elections. Made with Python/Django, also used several other tools such as git, MySQL, HTML5, JavaScript etc.